Payment Policy

Thank you for choosing our online service! Please read the following payment policy carefully before making any subscription payments.

1. Three-Month Subscription Package:

  • Our subscription service offers a three-month package for new subscriptions or renewals at $6 USD.
  • This package covers three consecutive months of service at a discounted rate.
  • Renewals can be done manually by checking the subscription status to avoid service interruption.

2. Payment Procedure:

  • Payments are processed securely through PayPal.
  • Subscription renewals must be initiated by the subscriber to avoid service interruption.

3. PayPal Account:

  • Payments will be transferred to the PayPal account of AIRPLAYCAR VN (owner of website).
  • Our PayPal account is registered under the name AIRPLAYCAR VN and is associated with website.

4. No Refund Policy:

  • We do not offer refunds for any subscription payments.
  • Once a payment is made, it is non-refundable regardless of your usage of the service.

5. Account Expiration:

  • If the subscription is not renewed within three months after the expiration date, the URL associated with the subscription will be deleted and made available for the next subscriber.

6. Currency:

  • All prices are listed in USD (United States Dollar).

7. Payment Method:

  • Currently, we only accept advance payments via PayPal.

8. Tax Information:

  • All prices listed do not include any applicable taxes.

9. Contact Us:

  • If you have any questions or concerns regarding our payment policy, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or [email protected].
  • You can also ask questions directly in our support Telegram group on the website.

By making a payment, you agree to abide by our payment policy as stated above. Thank you for your cooperation.

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